Quick Magnetic Field Change

Author: Anonymous

Two modes of operation of the Tesla Coil

The Tesla Coil (apparat) uses two circuits, operating on the same frquency. The secindary Coil has a special frequency, where electro-magnetik resonance occures. The primary coil is driven with this special frequency of the secondary coil.

The primary coil can be driven
  • with sinus form current (AC) or
  • with impulses.

High frequency, high voltage transformator

Supplying sinus form electical wave to the primary coil with the resonant frequency, the result is a normal electric-magnetic transformator, that is teached in the school. Because of the high frequency (greather than 1 MHz) and very high voltage, the air on the top of the secondary coil will be ionized, and one can see a lot of sparks. Their length pedends mainly from the voltage. This is the classical transformator with a special effect - very quick collaps of the magnetic field and it has a little energy gaining. or energy harvesting effect.


Impulse driven Tesla Coil

Feeding the primary coil with unidirection impulses with the resonant frequency, there is a gaining effect and radiant energy will be generated in the secondary coil. This means, more energy will be seen in the seconday coil, then the energy driving the device. This more energy is in the form of cold electricity. This effect is one of the most important discoveries of Nikola Tesla. He said, with very carefully and good design it is possible to achive a thousandfold gaining of the energy.

A lot of error in the internet

Be aware, good 90 % of the information about the Tesla Coil in the internet has concepulal error. The simples is here: how to transfer energy with Tesla Coils. This is not the way, because the ionization of gas is loss of energy. This is a bad interpreation of Tesla's patent.

Tesla and Steinmetz: collaps of the magnetic field

Charles Proteus Steinmetz (1865–1923) was a mathematician and electrical engineer. He has poved, if the inductors magnetic field collapses, this generates a large voltage peak. Tesla has shown it, and Steinmetz has it theoretically proved. It is not the same as Faraday's Law.

Remeber what Nikola Tesla said. He stated:

To create energy multiplication,
unidirectional impulses at the resonant frquency of the secondary coil must be used.

For better understanding:
The "collected" more energy is not the conventional "warm" electricity, but the "cold" electricity.

This state in mind, you will discover problems in many circuit diagrams which claim to have COP > 1 (Coeffitient Of Performance).


QMFC = Quick Magnetic Field Change. This is called sometime Quick Collaps of Magnaric Field (QCMF). The experiments show, that only in the quick collaps of the magnetic field is important for our puposes. Tesla has used a spark gap for the quick abolishing the magnetic field. Tom Bearden has made experiments not with impuses but with increasing current in the primary coil and quick droping the current, but this has shown no better values as impuses, but even less energy efficiency.

For creating impulses, the "quick creation" of magnetic field is limited by the selfinductance of the coil.

Tesla Coils resonance and connection to the earth

Planing or engineering a Tesla Coil based overunity device, you face with four types of solutions and devices. These types are shown in the next table.

 coil geometrystandig waves
connection to the earth connection to earch
resonance: coil geometry
connection to earth
resonance: standig waves
no connection to the earth no connection to earch
resonance: coil geometry
no connection to earth
resonance: standig waves

Tesla said, the resonance frequency of each coil must be found experimentally. This is shown in the table as "resonance: coil geometry". The "resonance: standig waves" has the meaning: some researchrs claim, the resonance is generated by standig waves in the secondary coil. It depens on the wire length, so this frequency - and it's sub- and sup-frequencies - can be computed and engineered, based on the length of the wire.

Winding the secondary Tesla coil

It is common for supressing the Back Electromagnetic Force (Back EMF) winding the secondary Tesla coil symmetrical as shown in the next figure. The primary coil will be placed in the middle of the secondary.

Overunity with magnet and with bifilar coil

Using the inpulse technology, there is another way, too, how to reach an overunity effect. John Bedini's battery loading system (SSG=Scoolgirl Simple Generator) and a lot of "Joule Thief" circuits show overunity without tuning two circuits to the same frequency.

Bedini's method uses a rotating wheel with magnet( unconventional motor) for adaptation of the operating frequency to a possible changing load. This means, there is a simple and good regulating loop in the circuit.


The so called "Joule Thief" circuit has been originally designed to make a lamp lighting if the battery is too weak. But with good design and more luck it is possible to create overunity effect with the circuit.