Cold Electricity


So it seems Cold Electricity has more meanings to diffrent people. BEDINI and Tesla's Radiant Energy (better name would be Cold Electricity, since Radiant energy is confusig to some extent) has nothing to do with the terminology used in conventional science (as described in Wikipedia).It is related to Radiant Electricity phenomena and Negative Energy, i.e. energy absorption from surrounding environment and not conventional energy dissipation phenomena

It has been shown to us by Dr.Tesla that his Cold Electricity is what is also called a massless current. This means without electron movement since electrons seem to have mass. Because or this it can go faster, much faster, FAR FAR beyond light speed. We can measure resistance, but True Cold electricity does not show up on our meters, because there is no electron flow, yet it can burn a filament bulb on one wire.

Here is enlisted summary of my remarks, I have learned from Peter Lindemann, Eric Dollard, Tom Bearden and John Bedini:

  1. Cold electricity is related to NEGATIVE Dissipative Energy
  2. Cold electricity is related to over-unity, when we have COP>1
  3. Normal, conventional electricity devices always dissipate some heat into surrounding environment, while radiant energy devices ABSORBS heat from the surrounding environment (NOTE: energy absorption and not energy dissipation phenomena are present)
  4. Cold electricity works with over-unity devices, and it always ABSORBS heat from the surrounding environment, therefore name COLD
  5. This type of electricity was first demonstrated by Nikola Tesla in 1890's.
  6. Radiant energy is the capturing of a spike, only a sharp transient, in the spike. Charging the battery with Radiant energy CREATES a NEGATIVE Dissipative Energy effect phenomena to the battery, because there's no heat in the battery.
  7. Whenever we have "slow-charge-and-instantaneous discharge" process, radiant energy phenomena occur.
  8. Radiant energy has nothing to do with electron flow and it is NOT conventional electric current

The following text is a compilation from the forum:

Cold electricity is often observed as a cooling phenomenon at an electric spark. It is related to the utilization of the Potential Energy of atomic and subatomic magnetic dipoles. Until a strong magnetic field can overcome the forces of random thermal motion, alignment will not form between magnetic-dipoles to utilize this potential energy of magnetic dipoles. A slow charge and VERY SHORT DISCHARGE less than one microsecond (< 1 μs) - high voltage spark is required to make a magnetic field strong enough to cause this alignment. Potential Energy is restored by absorption of infrared photons AMBIENT HEATH ABSORPTION, i.e.COOLING.

Cold electricity is what Eric Dollard calls Pure Dielectric Field.

in university textbooks
out of university textbooks, often misunderstood,
ridiculed or presented as fringe science
Positive Entropy Negative entropy (Reverse Entropy)
Heat Dissipation Heat Absorption (Cold Generation)
Explosion Implosion
Exothermic Endothermic
Electromagnetic Electroradiant (electroradiant no magnetism)
Herzian Wave
Longitundinal/Scalar Electroradiant
Teslian Wave
Work is performed by the flow of the current Work is performed WITHOUT the flow of the
current, at 0 AMPERES

N.B. We need to develop new physics theories if we want to work with Radiant electricity and we need to re-formulate the known physics laws.

Summary of The Electro-Radiant Event
  1. The Electro-Radiant Event is produced when a high-voltage, direct current is discharged across a spark-gap and interrupted abruptly before any reversals of current can occur. Recreating lightening phenomenon.
  2. This effect is greedy increased when the source of direct current is a charged capacitor.
  3. The Electro- Radiant Event leaves wires and other circuit components perpendicular to the flow of current.
  4. The Electro-Radiant Event produces a spatially distributed voltage that can be thousands of times higher than the initial spark discharge voltage.
  5. It propagates instantaneously as a longitudinal, electrostatic "light-like my" that behaves similarly to an incompressible gas under pressure.
  6. Electro-Radiant effects are solely characterized by impulse duration and voltage drop in the spark-gap.
  7. Electro-Radiant effects penetrate all materials and create "electronic responses" in metals like copper and silver. In this case, "electronic responses" means that an electrical charge will build up on copper surfaces exposed to Electro-Radiant emissions.
  8. Electro-Radiant impulses shorter than 100 microseconds are completely safe to handle and will not cause shock or harm.
  9. Electro-Radiant impulses shorter than 100 nanoseconds are cold and easily cause lighting effects in vacuum globes.

Cold electricity presents a form of electric energy without electron flow, i.e. zero current. It was shown to us by Dr. Tesla over 100 years ago. Tesla experimented with violently abrupt DC electrical discharges and discovered a new force in the process. Only after conducting exhaustive experimental trials for three years, Tesla announced this stupendous discovery in a paper published in December, 1892, entitled "The Dissipation of Electricity". Incredibly, most academicians of the day completely missed the mark in understanding the true significance of his paper.

The radiant electricity inflow is manifested as NEGATIVE resistance. We can measure resistance, but True Cold electricity does not show up on our meters, because there is no electron flow, yet it can burn a filament bulb on only one wire! There is no need for two wires!

In conventional electricity, the dragging electrons, create the magnetic field and, these two go hand in hand.
The magnetic fields are caused by the dragging electrons, which in turn are a secondary effect of this primary True Cold Electricity flow.
You can't tap something secondary without the primary part that caused it...

Very few non-conventional scientists, engineers and inventors understand Radiant Cold Electricity phenomena. But the most part of conventional academia still thinks: electricity energy is only related electron flow. Radiant Electricity has NOTHING to do with DC or AC current.
First electricity was Direct Current, DC.
Second electricity was Alternating Current, AC.
Third electricity is counter-intuitive Radiant Cold Electricity. It is strange, magic, healthy and IT WORKS!

--- ---

Cold electricity is a negative time flow of electrons while hot electricity is a forward time flow of electrons. Until people recognize time as being a factor and stop considering it as a measurement only, this will never be understood.

Without time, energy can not be released or converted from one form to another. An aether unit is composed of forward and negative time. This is where the electrons gets it's energy in order to maintain it's own magnetic field.
Cold electricity does register on our instruments as Back-EMF since it is flowing in negative time or flowing backwards.
There is a difference between Back-EMF and cold electricity, but we will see cold electricity on our instruments as BEMF.

So it seems Cold Electricity has more meanings to different people.
Same thing happens with Bemf or Back Emf.
Some people say the Bemf is simply the spike which is seen coming from a coil when power is switched off, and others believe Bemf happens whenever the field strength increases or decreases...

It has been shown to us by Mr.Tesla that his form of Cold Electricity is what is called a massless current.
This means without electron movement since electrons seem to have mass.
Because or this it can go faster, much faster, far beyond light-speed.
However,backwards is a different thing.
There are several people who have replicated some of Tesla's work and they all agree the electrons get "choked" inside the coils along the way, and thus only real massless current can pass.
This behaves different then conventional electricity because it will seek it's way along dielectric paths ignoring short circuits.
There are several setups which show these behaviours.
For example if you read Mr. Eric P. Dollard's book "Condensed intro into Tesla Transformers, you will find setups that produce this form of electricity.
Take a close look at figure 4 which is the balanced coil system.
It encounters segments of coils which have a direct relationship to the total wavelength of all coils together.
I won't go into detail, just read the literature and do the tests if you want to find out the real nature of the beast.

---When a bulb is lit with cold electricity, is it lit because of the wire or the parameters of the space around the wire? If just a wire then a filament should glow outside of the bulb.
If reverse time has anything to do with it, then how can we experience it in forward time?
--- End quote ---
We experience it in forward time as BEMF that runs cool and not hot.

"Research into the works of Nikola Tesla reveals electric phenomena that behave contrary to the theory of electricity in present use. Explanation of Tesla's inventions has been given from the standpoint of physics, yielding many misconceptions. The science of physics is based on the phenomena surrounding particles and mass, which finds little application in the study of electric phenomena.
The explanation of Tesla's discoveries are to be found in the science of electricity rather than the science of physics. The sci­ence of electricity has been dormant since the days (1900) of Stein­metz, Tesla and Heaviside. " Eric Dollard

John Bedini said to Oxford University mathematical physicist Dr Dave Clements, when he has asked him:

What is Radiant energy?

"Radiant energy, to me, what do I consider radiant, OK, what I consider radiant is the capturing of a spike, I consider that radiant. anything that, say, I generate, the radiant energy.
I do that by my coils, my switching circuits. That's how I generate radiant energy. I'm only concerned with a sharp transient, in the spike, as far as the radiant goes. As far as the negative energy goes, the negative energy comes from the battery. Once I generate this sharp transient, and charge the battery, it's a negative effect to the battery, because there's no heat in the battery.
"It seems to be like an ocean wave, or a gravitational wave. It seems to ride in on a some form of gravity wave. where it's up and down, up and down, sometimes it comes in stronger and sometimes a lot lighter.
It does change, this wave does change, during say a full moon, some of these motors have been known, during the full moon, to speed up just a little bit, and go a little bit faster in the night and a little bit slower during the day."

Edwin Gray, Sr rediscovered the technique of capturing electric energy directly from the environment in the late 1950's. Mr. Gray discovered that the instantaneous discharge of a high voltage capacitor could be shocked into releasing a huge, radiant energy inflow, manifested as electrostatic burst. This radiant energy spike was triggered and captured by special device Mr. Gray called "conversion element switching tube."

The radiant energy inflow is generated in two stages:
When the flow of direct current is abruptly interrupted, then a huge spike of radiant energy inflow phenomenon is manifested.
Splitting the electron from the etheric carrier provokes a huge, radiant energy inflow.
The spike of radiant energy can be transformed into normal electricity and stored in electric battery.

Brian Desborough, Free Energy Researcher writes to Dr. Peter Lindemann:
".. From my own experiments, once you split the electron from the etheric carrier, the problem then is not generating tremendous energy, it's limiting it! A lot of my incoming spikes are well over 1000 amps. Definitely, this kind of circuit, it's for real!"

Quote from: -[marco]- on April 30, 2009, 10:14:01 AM ---Cold electricity is TRUE electricity.
It is the real power without electron flow.
This type of electricity was shown to us by Mr.Tesla over 100 years ago.
The electrons are simply "dragged" by this Cold electricity flow and this creates what we see as resistance.
And this is also the reason why conventional electricity shows up on our meters.
We can measure resistance, but True Cold electricity does not show up on our meters, because there is no electron flow, yet it can burn a filament bulb on one wire.
In conventional electricity, the dragging electrons, create the magnetic field and, these two go hand in hand.
This is the reason why we won't find any OU in magnetics.
The magnetic fields are caused by the dragging electrons, which in turn are a secondary effect of this primary True Cold Electricity flow.
You can't tap something secondary without the primary part that caused it...
For some people, all this is well understood, but for the most part, people are still thinking electricity is electron flow and even our teachers tell us it is.
--- End quote ---
You first say that cold electricity drags the electrons, then you say at the end, electricity is not electron flow. You also said true cold electricity is without electron flow and it can burn a filament bulb on one wire. Doesn't the wire that is being burned from the cold electricity have free electrons in it, that would be dragged by this cold electricity in order to cause the bulb to light? Replace those filament wires with a wire that doesn't have free electrons and see if the bulb lights with either cold electricity or "true cold electricity", since according to you, electricity isn't electron flow.
Cold electricity is a negative time flow of electrons while hot electricity is a forward time flow of electrons. Until people recognize time as being a factor and stop considering it as a measurement only, this will never be understood.
Without time, energy can not be released or converted from one form to another. An aether unit is composed of forward and negative time. This is where the electrons gets it's energy in order to maintain it's own magnetic field.
Cold electricity does register on our instruments as BEMF since it is flowing in negative time or flowing backwards. There is a difference between BEMF and cold electricity, but we will see cold electricity on our instruments as BEMF.
Cold electricity is what Eric Dollard would call a pure dielectric field and is also produced in a properly constructed and tuned Tesla coil.

The following information has been taken from the Book The Free Energy Secrets of Cold electricity by Peter A.Lindemann, D.Sc
Published by Clear Tech Inc, P.O.Box 37, Metline Falls WA 99153

Summary of The Electro-Radiant Event
  1. The Electro-Radiant Event is produced when a high-voltage, direct current is discharged across a spark-gap and interrupted abruptly before any reversals of current can occur.
  2. This effect is gready increased when the source of direct current is a charged capacitor.
  3. The Electro- Radiant Event leaves wires and other circuit components perpendicular to the flow of current.
  4. The Electro-Radiant Event produces a spatially distributed voltage that can be thousands of times higher than the initial spark discharge voltage.
  5. It propagates instantaneously as a longitudinal, electrostatic "light-like my" that behaves similarly to an incompressible gas under pressure
  6. Electro-Radiant effects are solely characterized by impulse duration and voltage drop in the spark-gap.
  7. Electro-Radiant effects penetrate all materials and create "electronic responses" in metals like copper and silver. In this case, "electronic responses" means that an electrical charge will build up on copper surfaces exposed to Electro-Radiant emissions.
  8. Electro-Radiant impulses shorter than 100 microseconds are completely safe to handle and will not cause shock or harm.
  9. Electro-Radiant impulses shorter than 100 nanoseconds are cold and easily cause lighting effects in vacuum globes
